Posts found: 7

A Case Study of Date and Time

In IT, dealing with date and time, can be quite challenging. There are a lot of things to consider and things can be quite complicated…

How to Publish NPM Package with CircleCI

I had been hearing good things about [CircleCI]() for a while and I was itching to give it a try. Coincidentally, I published an NPM package not…

Gatsby One Pager

How to build a [Gatsby]() site? Why the guides online are so fragmented? Isn't there a one pager guide for Gatsby with a working example? *Well*…

A Post with Code Block

It's night time now but let's blog. Wohoo yeaha console.log('omg');

GIT Filter Branch

Ever committed a folder that shouldn't be a GIT? e.g. `node_modules`, `lib`, `vendor`, etc. For my case with Jekyll, I committed `_posts` folder, which really should be put as…

Ruby Hash

A **hash** is an associative array, which is pretty much an array with key-value pairs of which the keys are unique. In Ruby it can be denoted in…

GIT Rebase

In order to rewrite history you need to use `git rebase -i <commit_id>`. This is useful for the following scenario * deleting useless commit log * putting your commits on top…`master`